
This small country truly shines with its stunning beauty and excellent amenities for expats.


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Expat Ecuador
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Top Expat destinations in Ecuador

The most popular expat destinations in Ecuador are Cuenca, Quito, and Manta. Each city offers unique attractions and amenities that draw large groups of expats.

Let’s call these Tier 1 destinations since they have the highest number of expats and may be the easiest to adapt to in terms of cultural shock. These cities offer first-rate, affordable healthcare that rivals or even surpasses that of first-world countries. You’ll also find comprehensive insurance options to meet all your needs. Additionally, these destinations boast a wide selection of restaurants, cafes, and nightlife, providing a vibrant and enjoyable lifestyle for expats.


Cuenca: Known for its European small-city charm, Cuenca is home to the largest expat community in Ecuador. With a population of around 400,000, it boasts a well-preserved colonial architecture, vibrant arts scene, and a temperate climate. Expats are attracted to Cuenca’s affordable cost of living, high-quality healthcare, and numerous cultural activities. The city offers a blend of modern conveniences and old-world charm, making it a favorite among retirees and digital nomads alike.


Quito: The capital city, with a population of approximately 2.8 million, is another major expat hub. Recently, the growth has expanded to areas just outside the city, such as the area referred to the valley. Cities of Cumbayá and Tumbaco are very popular. Cumbayá offers a first-world living experience, with modern infrastructure, upscale shopping centers, and high-quality healthcare facilities, though prices are closer to those found in developed countries. Within Quito, expats can find real estate bargains in areas like Old Town, known for its historical charm and vibrant local culture.


Manta: This coastal city has seen significant growth and now offers first-world amenities. With a population of around 250,000, Manta is a bustling port city known for its beautiful beaches, seafood cuisine, and laid-back lifestyle. Expats are drawn to Manta for its warm climate, modern conveniences, and opportunities for water sports and other outdoor activities. While living costs in Manta can be higher than in other parts of Ecuador, the city provides a comfortable and attractive environment for expatriates.


Each of these destinations offers a unique lifestyle and set of advantages for expats, though they tend to be more expensive than other parts of Ecuador. For those considering a move, these cities provide a variety of options that cater to different preferences and needs.

Have you decided to move from the first world to experience something different? If you’re not afraid of a little culture shock, dive right into the deep end. Let’s explore Tier 2 and Tier 3 destinations—they might be exactly what you’re looking for.

Follow this link to explore the Tier 2 and Tier 3 expat destinations.